• Frequently Asked Questions

    Question: Which services does healthpandora.com provides?

    Answer: Healthpandora.com is dedicated website to deal with issues pertaining to our health. We touch almost every aspect related to our day to day life and try to provide information in as simple words as possible so that each topic become clear to everyone.

    Question: Can I completely rely on this website and ignore visit to doctor?

    Answer: No. This website is not an alternative to doctor. You are requested to kindly visit your doctor whenever needed. All information provided on this platform is just for informative purpose so it should not have to be taken as alternative to doctor.

    Question: Does healthpandora.com provides medical assistance through online mode?

    Answer: We do not provide any medical assistance through online mode. We just provides with articles related to health.

    Question: Does healthpandora.com make available doctors for us?

    Answer: No. We just provides information and does not have affiliation with any doctor community which will be provided to you whenever needed.

    Question: Which diseases are covered by this online platform?

    Answer: We provides with articles related to almost all aspects associated with our day to day life. That is why we touch upon vast area of topics such as pregnancy, diet plan, down-syndrome etc.

    Question: Do I need to provide my personal information if I want to access articles available on healthpandora.com?

    Answer: No. In general user is not required to enter his/her personal details. We will ask for the same only when they subscribe for our newsletter.

    Question: DO I need to provide my bank account details also?

    Answer: No. All information available on healthpandora.com is for free. We never charge for any information or service. Thus we never ask you to provide with your bank account details.

    Question: How safe my personal information is with healthpandora.com?

    Answer: We never share your personal information with any third party or entity until and unless bound by law of land. That means only when government agencies will ask us for information for investigation purposes then we will be duty-bound to share the information with them. Otherwise, we do not share our user’s information with any third party.